Delicious Protein Balls

So, have you ever wanted to have a peanut butter, or chocolate chip cookie, but wanted it to be healthy, well if so then this is the best recipe for you. These are basically like soft cookies, that are extremely healthy for you. So, let me teach you how to make these scrumptious Protein Balls:
You need:
Chocolate chips (which I forgot to add into the picture)
Oats (of any sort)
Peanut butter (or sunflower butter if you're allergic to peanuts)
Flaxseed (optional)
You could also add some tree nuts like cashews but I'm allergic to those
And you could also add sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds but I didn't have any
First, start off with the dry ingredients by adding 1/2 cup of oats
Then, 1 tbsp of flaxseed (or if you added any sort of nut I would say add 1/4 of a cup, and same for the pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds).
Now, just give your dry ingredients a quick little mix
Then, add in 2 tbsp of peanut butter
And, 2 tbsp of honey
Now, mix it all together, (Stirring Tip: I find it easier to stir with a spatula, and it's way easier to mix together if you basically fold it together, by scooping from the bottom and folding that up).
Finally, to add a bit of sweetness, add some chocolate chips (of any kind).
Now, get your hands dirty by rolling the mixture into little bite small balls.
You could serve them straight up, but I find that the texture gets more of a firmness and less of a sticky texture if you place it in the freezer for a few minutes, after about 30 minutes if you haven't served yet and they're still in the freezer, I suggest moving them into the fridge so they don't get as hard as a rock.
Now, finally your Delicious Protein Balls are all ready to serve (I gave them to my siblings who are kind of picky about food and they all loved them). 
Hopefully you enjoyed this post, be sure to stay safe, and have a great day!  


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