Back to School Cookies

School's starting soon, even though this year is definitely going to be super weird because of covid-19, we can still make back to school treats. So, anyways, this recipe isn't mine so I'll just put the link to the cookie recipe right here:
But, what I did do is sculpt the cookies into the shape I wanted them to be before I put them in the oven, then after they came out they were a bit flattened out, so once they cooled off I cut off the excess unnecessary parts, and then iced them to look like the cookies you see above.
I probably should have videoed the process of icing it, but I completely forgot to. At least I got a picture of what they turned out to look like. Also, I will definitely be posting more back to school crafts on my blog. Well, with all that being said, I hope you enjoyed this post (sorry that I didn't show the steps like I usually do), and have a great day!  


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