A Fancy Lunch Halloween Addition

 Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a spectacular day today. I’m so sorry that I didn’t post last week, because like I said in the last post I’ve just been super busy with school. But today I’m back!! And I will be sharing some amazing Halloween lunches that you can make for school, or just for lunch.

So this lunch is a yogurt ghost (with a blackberry for the mouth and two chocolate chips for the eyes.
This one is kind of like an uncooked quesadilla, I took a slice of cheese and laid it on top of a tortilla, then I took a biscuit cutter and cut out a circle shape. And for the stem I just used a piece of celery. 

Hopefully you enjoyed this post, I will definitely be doing more Halloween posts, I know it’s still a bit early for me to do a Halloween post since it’s only September, but I love getting in the mood for Halloween (which is my favorite holiday!) Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day, and don’t forget to stay safe and stay social distanced! 


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