Make Your Own Fantasy Cards

So, there are a lot of different types of cards that you can collect, like baseball cards, or pokemon cards, or magic cards. Anyways, what if you made your own collecting cards, so today, I'm going to show you how. < Also, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. > Let's get started:

So, here is what you need: A pencil, some paper, colored pencils or markers. 

The cards that I am about to make are similar to theses cards, they are called magic cards. So, if you are interested in fantasy type of stuff, then maybe you should check them out.

So, what you will need to do first is trace the magic card to make the shape of your card.

Make four boxes.

 Next, what you need to do is make a little column at the bottom of the card to write the description about your characters.
 Then make a quick sketch of all your characters.
 Now you can write the description about your characters. Also, feel free to draw any character you like, if it's a movie or book character already, or if it's just a character you made up (I made my characters up from the book that I'm writing. I'll give you more information on the book soon.) 
After adding their description, you can add more details to your character. 

 Next, you can outline your character in black ink.
 Then erase the pencil marks
 Finally, you can color your character.
And last but not least, you can add a background to it.
Well, hopefully you liked this post. Stay safe, and have a great day!


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