Rose Pumpkin

I am sorry it has been so long since the last post, but I
 hope you like this rose pumpkin and use it for decorations.  Here is how you make it:

You need: 1 small paint brush; 1 big paint brush; red/pink paint, green paint, and white paint; and one thing not in the picture is a hair dryer.

First, you are going to squeeze the white paint out [first make sure you have a newspaper or something underneath], but not all of it. Just a little bit.

Next, you are going to paint the whole thing in white paint.

You also need to paint the stem.

After you finish painting, you can blow dry it [or you can let it dry the long way].

Then, squeeze out the red [or pink] paint and start painting circles on it.

Finally, you are going to squeeze out the green paint and put two little dashes 
on both sides of the red circle.

Now you are done and have a beautiful pumpkin ready to sit out and be a decoration!


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