Easy Envelope Valentine

It is around Valentine's Day so I decided to make something really easy. This is called an Easy Envelope Valentine.

Here are the supplies you need: scissors, 3 color pencils and an envelope.

First, draw and cut out a heart shape. Leave the folded edge of the envelope heart on one side uncut.

Next, draw little swirls with your 3 pencils on the cover. Be sure to fill in the whole heart with color.

After that, you can write something like "I love you" or "Happy Valentine's Day" on the cover.

Make a design, picture or whatever you want on the inside.

I had a little white spot off to one side so I wrote a little message there.

Last, you can write a special note on the other side like "Happy 💜  Day!"

Give it to a friend and surprise them! Hopefully, they will be as excited about their's as I am about mine!


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