Pocket Pillow

I like pillows and pockets. So, I decided I should make a pocket pillow!
If you want you can put a little toy in it, money, or a tooth for the tooth fairy to pick up.
And here is how you can make it:

Here are the supplies you need:
- A big piece of green felt (or whatever color you want)
- Any color little circle (I chose orange)
- Chalk
- Stuffing or cotton balls like I used
- Thread and a needle
- 2 things not in the picture are scissors and a ruler

First, take a ruler and put it in the middle of your cloth. Then draw a line.

Next, fold it directly on the line you made.

Then, draw a circle with your chalk, and cut it out. Since its folded over you will end up with two circles. Don't throw away one of them. Keep both. We will use them. These will be bigger than the little orange circle.

Now, thread your needle.

Make sure you knot it at the end of the thread.

Next, sew it up. Make sure you leave a hole at the top for stuffing it and flipping it inside out. Don't sew the hole up yet.

Then, flip it inside out.

Stuff it up!
Make sure it is all the way full so your pillow isn't all flat.

Make sure you flip the edges of the stuffing hole in so it will look like the whole thing was flipped inside out. Now, sew it up!

After you sew up your big green circle, cut the tip off of the smaller orange (or whatever color) circle.

Sew the curved edge onto the front of your pillow. Do not sew the flat top. That will the open part where you put your stuff in.

If you want you can even decorate the pocket and put your name on it.
You can even put a picture of a tooth on the pocket if its going to be your tooth pillow.

Now you are all finished and here is how your pillow might turn out to look!
Hope your Pocket Pillow is Spectacular!


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